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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 12/10/2015 - Fire Dept Listening Post
Fire Department
Listening Post
December 10, 2015
Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Town Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt, Police Chief Doug Jette, Fire Chief Jay Henry, Moderator Bill Kelley, Town Clerk/Tax Collector Karen Burton, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Videographer Hank Benesh, Supervisor of the Checklist Jeannette Heidmann, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Stan Weiss, George Howard, John Fichera, Jerry Dougherty, Gilbert Forest, Mary Howe, Denise Sachse, Nancy Davis, Sarah Clemons, Peter Benson, Betsey Harding, Sam Harding, Penny Miller

Chairman John Allen called the Listening Post to order at 6:27 p.m. and explained the Board is looking for input from the taxpayers regarding the establishment of a full time Fire Chief position to which Jay Henry has been appointed.  

Jerry Dougherty noted the town is lucky to have a good person who is willing to take this on; Chief Henry is trained and has the respect of the Department.

Denise Sachse asked when the next opportunity to comment on this would be; the next Budget Hearing will be held immediately following the Selectmen’s meeting on Monday December 21st.

Sarah Clemons would like to stress that she is not opposed to having a full time Fire Chief but she’s not for it either.  She missed the meeting where this was discussed.  She has a lot of respect for Chief Henry.  It’s her understanding that financially with the exception of getting another vehicle, the cost for this is not that huge of an amount.  Selectman Lockard noted the total is around sixty five hundred dollars with budget adjustments and the town will purchase another truck over his dead body; there is one vehicle and there’s no plan to buy another vehicle for the Fire Chief.  Selectman Lockard would also like to address the fact that the firemen have first aid training; they are not certified EMTs.  They respond to a fire and the Ambulance follows shortly thereafter.  This has been discussed with the Bartlett/Jackson Ambulance; legally, the firemen assist the Ambulance; they can’t do medical care.  Sarah wondered if Fire Chief Henry is First Aid or EMT trained and Chief Henry noted he’s trained for First Aid and use of the AED; the Fire Department can provide CPR and use the AED.  Members recently went to a Narcan training as well.    

Selectman Lockard noted the Board looked at how to make this work.  Jackson’s part time Fire Inspector is leaving; Chief Henry will take that on; that is a reduction of eighty five hundred dollars.  The Board has heard a lot about this; he still believes the opportunity and time to do this is right; the stars aligned and this is the right thing to do.  

Bea asked how many hours Chief Henry’s going to work; it will be thirty to thirty three hours a week and he’ll do everything that Schroder did.  Chief Henry noted he can’t do everything that needs to be done even working the thirty three hours.  This will cut the OT he has been working between both positions.  

Mary Howe asked how well-staffed the Ambulance is.  Her husband fell and nobody showed up except Greg who called North Conway Ambulance and it took forty five minutes before they came.  Chief Henry noted the Ambulance will call the Fire Department for a lift assist; he’s not sure why they didn’t call.  Peter Benson noted the protocol is that the Ambulance has to be asked; they can’t just respond.  Driving is the most dangerous part of the job; they have to wait for the call.   When people call 911 there’re only twenty three open lines; Jackson no longer has a dispatcher in Ossipee.  When someone from Jackson calls 911 it goes to a central place.  Mary wondered who folks are supposed to call when there’s an emergency and Chief Henry noted folks need to call 911 but to recognize it’s not unlimited.  

Betsey Harding is a voice of support; it’s terrific that Chief Henry can do this.  He’s done great work in the Highway Department and she supports this appointment.  

Moderator Kelley noted Jackson’s Ambulance Service is a volunteer organization however it’s very rare that somebody doesn’t respond.  He feels badly for Mary’s experience; it had to have been extenuating circumstances.  He reminded everyone these folks give up their free time or take time off from work to provide those services.  

Sarah wants to point out a full time person is covered by insurance; she wondered if thirty to thirty three hours is full time.  Office Administrator Atwell noted thirty hours is full time and can be covered by insurance.  Sarah wondered if Chief Henry would have set hours and Chief Henry noted the idea is to have a flat schedule.  Thursday would be for Fire Inspection and Tuesday night would also be a set time; the other hours are flexible.  He noted over July fourth he’ll be working two to three days since he has to be on duty when fireworks are used.  Also if there were to be a structure fire that’s three days’ worth of work.  Sarah asked if Chief Henry’s schedule can be posted; Chief Henry noted Tuesdays and Thursdays are work days; it’s been like that for five years.  

George Howard noted part of the job will be training; having a full time person to do that training is a good improvement in the operation of the Fire Department.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
                                Respectfully submitted by:      

                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                        Recording Secretary